Tuesday, 23 April 2013

News » The Rock Says WrestleMania 29 Match Possibly His Last

The Rock spoke to Hot 97's Peter Rosenberg and discussed his upcoming reality series, The Hero. During the interview, The Rock admitted that his match with John Cena at WrestleMania 29 may have been his last.
"Possibly, to be honest with you," Rock replied when asked if his match against John Cena at WrestleMania 29 was his last.

"The goal three years ago was I sat down with Vince McMahon and strategized about it, about three WrestleMania's back to back... I committed myself to the company and I was very proud of that moment. It didn't matter if I lost or I did the job, but it was an honor to do the honors. There is no better way to give back... then by doing the honors."

Rock also noted Cena was "hands down" the right guy to lose to.

"People wanted to build me to a certain place, and then do things the right way. And for the business that I love, it was an awesome way, it was the best way to give back. Was it my last match? Possibly. I'm really not too sure, and I wouldn't rule it out."

Rock was also asked if the original plan was to build for a rubber match with Cena at next year's WrestleMania in New Orleans.

"No, not at all," Rock replied, before admitting that there were plans for a match with Brock Lesnar. "The original plan was possibly Brock and myself. That was the next thing that made sense to me because I love Brock, we've been friends for over a decade now and we can have a great athletic match. But then I had torn my two tendons on my pelvis and I had to fly home that day, and we couldn't do what we wanted to do on RAW that day. So... possibly, possibly with Brock down the road."

The Rock also said that he talked to Vince McMahon and Triple H the night of WrestleMania about his injury. He said that he and Vince agreed in the locker room that he wouldn't be at RAW the next day, and that he got a call from one of the writers the next day about issuing a statement on RAW, which he did.

Source : wrestlinginc.com

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